Annual Threat Assessment 2017

The security policy situation in Europe and adjacent areas is now more uncertain and unpredictable than it has been for a long time. A number of European countries are facing economic, social and political problems that will in the next few years require substantial resources and considerable attention.

08. feb 2017

Annual Threat Assessment 2016

PST expects that the threats to Norway and Norwegian interests in 2016 will continue to form a complex and varied picture. Assessing future threats will involve reviewing large quantities of unverified information from many different sources.

09. feb 2016

Nasjonal trusselvurdering 2016

PST vil også i 2016 stå overfor et komplekst og sammensatt trusselbilde. Arbeidet med å vurdere fremtidige trusler innebærer å gjennomgå store mengder uverifisert informasjon fra flere ulike kilder. Sikkerhetssituasjonen i Norge blir dessuten både direkte og indirekte påvirket av hendelser i utlandet.

09. feb 2016

Annual Threat Assessment 2015

The threat situation in Norway is characterised by both continuity and change. Although we have not witnessed any dramatic events in Norway over the past year, developments are markedly negative. This relates to changes in the threat situation linked to different forms of extremism as well as to activities by the intelligence services of foreign states.

04. feb 2015

Nasjonal trusselvurdering 2015

Trusselsituasjonen i Norge er preget av både kontinuitet og endringer. Selv om vi ikke har vært vitne til dramatiske hendelser i Norge det siste året, er utviklingen gjennomgående negativ. Dette gjelder både utviklingen i trusselsituasjonen knyttet til ulike former for ekstremisme og til aktiviteten fra andre staters etterretningstjenester.

04. feb 2015

Annual Threat Assessment 2014

The threats to Norway and Norwegian interests in 2014 will continue to form a complex and varied picture. Politically motivated violence in the form of extreme Islamism will continue to represent a serious problem.

14. apr 2014